Reflecting on September 11, 2001 – Part 1 – When a lion roars

Reflecting on September 11, 2001 – Part 1 – When a lion roars

Reflecting on September 11, 2001 – Part 1 – When a lion roars

A friend asked “What does 9/11 mean to you?”  Taking a moment to reflect, I began to relive the feelings I experienced then.  I then began to relate this sensitivity with other experiences from my past. Three came to mind.

The first is the day Ronald Regan was shot, March 30, 1981.  In an instance, the man representing the strongest nation in the world went from appearing strong and safe to being rushed to a hospital.  This occurring in the mists of a period of history when nuclear warfare between the US and the USSR was a looming topic.  On this day, the images and stories on the television became a little more real for me. The moment caused a pause in the beat of my life, as if air stopped flowing.  I remember sensing connected to people far and near in a common state of suspense.  The best way to describe my thoughts and emotions is “an underlying and alert anticipation of whatever could be next.”

The second is the day the space shuttle Challenger’s malfunction caused the shuttle to explode in flight on January 28, 1986.  This event was significant for two compounding reasons.  First, the live broadcast of the launch was being shown during school at the cafeteria.  Second, of the seven member crew that was lost in the accident, one was a teacher, Christa McAuliffe.  In my world, the shuttle represented a reach into wondrous and exciting discoveries. The wonder and excitement dissipated along with the sad consequence of the space shuttle and crew.  Again, the sinking feeling as if air stopped flowing.  Then an almost lack of disbelief of what actually happened.  The sadness in the school descended like fog.  Again, I strongly remember sensing I was connected to many people in a state of suspense.  Also again feeling, “an underlying and alert anticipation of whatever could be next.”

The third is not a world event, but rather a very personal one. I’ll set the stage. For me, the beach can offer relaxation and peace that settles the depths of my soul.  The almost eternal sound of the surf accompanied with the nearly constant breeze sooths me.  Looking to the virtual endlessness, where the sea and the sky meet, captures my imagination, especially on a starry night.  The air, refreshing and clean, seems to revive my tired spirit.  The edge of the sea is the edge to dreams, to imagination, to heaven, to eternity.  I lived at a beach when a major hurricane was bound for my town.  I remained at the beach as long as I was allowed to experience the “calm before the storm.”  And yes the beach atmosphere was calmer, but not suspended.  The third event is a moment in time when suspense came to a beach I was visiting.  For a moment the surf stopped breaking, the breeze stopped flowing, haze blurred the horizon, and the air felt stagnant.  For a moment in time, I felt silence where there should be sound, absence where there should presence, and vacuum where there should be air.  Maybe the moment lasted 3, or 4 seconds, but it felt like an empty eternity.  During the small time frame, it seemed life stopped breathing.  This time I felt exposed, alone, and disconnected and again there was “an underlying and alert anticipation of whatever could be next.”

The day of September 11, 2001, was a day when something so seemingly unexpected and so cold occurred.  The word terror became a lot more real.  Watching events unfold real time via the internet, I experienced a sense of a widespread suspense and vulnerability.  Personally, this sensation was heightened by the halt of air traffic. Near DC the sound of air traffic is almost constant due to all the airports in the area.  The sky was clear that day, no clouds or jet trails, just an empty blue canvas.  The absence of familiar aircraft sounds created an absence of presence. It magnified the vacuum sensitivity.  I was feeling, “an underlying and alert anticipation of whatever could be next.”

Returning to the question “What does 9/11 mean to you?”  I believe 9/11 brought about both unity and insecurity.  The national pride that resulted after was awesome to experience.  The event itself also brought grief and a sense of being vulnerable and powerless.  After reflection, one thing 9/11 means to me is 1 Peter 5:8-11.

1 Peter 5

8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. 10 But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. 11 To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.


  •   I must understand and respect the world I live in but not fear it.
  •   Don’t turn my back on my troubles, face them with prayer.
  •   Many experience the issues I do.
  •   When troubles come, believe God is with me.
  •   Since through Jesus Christ troubles are overcome, not diverted, we grow.
  •   Peace comes because my God is bigger than any fear I will encounter.

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